During our third annual online fundraising blitz, donors like you raised more than twice the amount as last year, resulting in the Biggest Give yet: $11.6 million from more than 9,000 gifts! This supports hundreds of campus programs and student services and helps our faculty and graduate students in the lab and in the classroom.
This year’s theme was the Berkeley Effect: If a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas, then surely the generous hearts, good deeds, and innovative leaps of UC Berkeley could spark transformative change all over the world. Here’s how Big Give demonstrated the Berkeley Effect this year.
How many funds were supported? You gave to 611 funds.
Who gave? 5,504 alumni donors (52% of all donors); 5,089 non-alumni donors (48% of all donors); 2,081 first-time donors (19.6% of all donors)
Where were they from? 8,351 California donors (78.8% of all donors); 1,937 non-California donors (18.3% of all donors); 305 international donors (2.9% of all donors)
Who are they? 683 current students (6.4% of all donors); 1,733 current parents (16.4% of all donors); 926 faculty and staff (8.7% of all donors)
You are the Berkeley Effect. We’re so grateful for you.
![Graphic breakdown of what Big Give supported.](https://storage.googleapis.com/campaign-identity/original_images/e11800_donut8.png)
Your support went to unrestricted funds (36%), programs (34%), students and faculty (21%), and campus improvements (9%).