Passing the baton: Seniors take charge of raising funds for Cal

Photo of three women smiling.

Abby Nagle ’16 (top), Lena Horvath ’16, and Pamela Sherman ’15. Photo: Keegan Houser

A small but mighty group of seniors has come together for decades to raise money for Cal. Here’s how it typically works: Every year, Berkeley staff members set the goal, build the student committee, and manage the campaign’s nitty gritty. Students then work feverishly to meet the goal.

That shifted last year when they asked to take on more. Inspired by a national conference where they met student fundraisers from other universities, Berkeley’s committee leaders wanted a greater share of leading the Senior Gift Campaign — and to see it grow long after they have graduated.

“The university can seem abstract and daunting to many students,” says Lena Horvath ’16 (middle), presidentof the 2015–16 Senior Gift Committee. “By redefining our responsibilities and making the campaign a student-to-student cause, it became more rewarding to participate in.”

The committee also opened the campaign’s doors to other students — so you don’t have to be a senior to volunteer or give.

“We used to focus on getting donations,” says Abby Nagle ’16 (top), head of logistics. “Now we’re focused on educating everyone across campus about what philanthropy means and why it matters. That makes the money part easier!”

Last year’s results were immediate and impressive: 1,640 donors gave more than $98,000.

“We give back because we want to leave our mark on a place that has changed our lives,” says Pamela Sherman ’15 (bottom), a former committee leader.

That’s exactly what Berkeley is all about — empowering students to be impassioned leaders for what they believe in. Except this time, the university itself is benefiting.

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